Tuesday, March 3, 2020

A Tail So True - #50 Precious Words by Kathy Halsey

Time for a new challenge, this one courtesy of prolific author/friend Vivian Kirkfield. This is the 5th year for #50 Precious Words. I thank Vivian, the judges, those who've donated prizes, and readers who leave comments. We writers appreciate these opportunities. 

Guidelines are to write a story for kids 12 and younger, any topic, prose, poetry, any style, BUT 50 words. It's not easy to get a true story in such tight guidelines. However, the challenge is the fun.

My tale highlights my love of animals, dogs especially. This is Iris, our first Corgi, who we lost at 8 to Addison's and kidney failure. She was the inspiration for A TALE SO TRUE, a story with 47 words. Happy reading. As sweet Iris would say, "BAROOOO." 


by Kathy Halsey

If I could call your name,
If I could make you real,
I'd reach across time to fetch you.

You’d bounce and paw,
romp and roll.
You'd snuffle up treats.
We'd sit paw-in-hand.

Nuzzled up close.
wish it was true,
cozy hugs from
a tail so true.