Monday, February 8, 2016

Happy Valentine’s Birthday Day, Sourpuss!

Hey, hey. It's almost Valentine's Day! Time for a fun contest for writers and readers. Here's my entry for Susanna Hill's contest. Here are the rules:
Write a Valentines story appropriate for children (children here defined as ages 12 and under) maximum 214 words in which someone is grumpy!  Your story can be poetry or prose, sweet, funny, surprising or anything in between, but it will only count for the contest if it includes someone grumpy (can be the main character but doesn’t have to be) and is 214 words max (get it? 2/14 for Valentines Day. You can go under the word count but not over! Title is not included in the word count. 

Happy Valentine’s Birthday Day, Sourpuss!

 Kathy Halsey

Word Count: 211

            Sourpuss swiped at the calendar. February. Most cats loved this meow-velous month. Not Sourpuss.
First, that pesky groundhog could NEVER decide if it was winter or spring. Presidents with birthdays and tall hats! Silly holidays crowded out HIS special day.
Sourpuss shared his birthday with Valentine’s Day. “Hip-hip-hooray- boo-ray,” Sourpuss mewed, straightened his red bow-tie, and grabbed his Valentine box for the class party.
After recess, Miss Pittypaws herded her class back to a room festooned with pink and red streamers. Salmon, chicken patties, and catnip cupcakes awaited. The clowder of cats swished their tails excitedly…all except Sourpuss.
He scanned the room for birthday cake, candles, and presents. Nope. Just giant red hearts while his heart sighed, “No one remembers.” Sourpuss hid in the kitty cubbies. He knew no one would miss him.
While Sourpuss moped, his meow-mates piled BIRTHDAY cards into his Valentine box. They climbed the flagpole and hung a special banner that said, “HAPPY BIRTHDAY! IT’S FEBRUARY! MAY THE GROUNDHOG OF HAPPINESS LEAVE A VALENTINE IN YOUR CHERRY TREE!
Miss Pittypaws chirpped, “Sourpuss, come out. It’s a special day.”
MEOW! I’m in trouble now.
Sourpuss crept out, spotted the banner, and smiled a mile-long smile.
“Thank you, it’s …PURRRR-FECT! Hoo-ray for February, my favorite month of the year.”



  1. A party full of fluffy kittens! I love it!

  2. I love this. Sour puss has a happy heart now!!!

    1. He feels perfect, Mona. I appreciate your support, Writing Sister.

  3. Love the story and the picture. it's all PURRfect!

    1. Meow. I am glad you came by. Purring at your comment.

  4. You are the master of play on words with fun storylines. I want that skill. What a fun, fun read. Love the names. How did you come up with that? You gave much goodness in so few words. This story is writeous, brighteous, and outta sighteous.

  5. Lots of great wordplay here! Fun story!

  6. What a cute story!! I always feel bad for kiddies whose birthdays fall on holidays, but not Sourpuss...he has good friends!

    1. Yes, I was trying to find an experience kids would relate to. Nothing is more important than the birthday.

  7. Aw! This is wonderful! I especially liked your Hip hip boo-ray!!! Pure genius. Love it.

  8. Love Sourpuss! I like the fun language with a kitty twist-LOL Kathy, you rocked February and the spirit of love!

  9. Cat stories are the best. Great work.

    1. Thanks, Gregory! Glad you stopped by to read this.

  10. Aw, this is so cute! What a fun character. Love all the clever cat language. :) Well done!

  11. Cute story! Mine is a similar theme. It must be in the air!

    1. I will have to look for yours. Thanks for reading and commenting.

  12. Such a cute story & wonderful ending, Kathy! Thoroughly enjoyed reading this!

  13. Replies
    1. Thanks, Carrie. Happy, not grumpy Valentine's Day.

  14. Good job Miss Kathy. I think you are the only other person I know to have ever used the term clowder :0)

  15. Replies
    1. Kim, glad you read and stopped by. Happy Valentine's Day.

  16. This was an adorable kitty story and Sourpuss, although grumpy around the edges, was still lovable.

    1. He is no longer sour now that he has readers like YOU.

  17. "The Groundhog of Happiness" *snort* I love it! :) I'm glad poor Sourpuss had his birthday properly recognized and his friends cheered him up! Everyone deserves to enjoy their birthday! :) Thanks so much for joining in the Valentiny fun with your delightfully grumpy Sourpuss, Kathy! :)

    1. Susanna, thank you for reading and commenting in your marathon of Valentiney stories!
