Monday, December 28, 2020

12 Days of Christmas for Writers :2020 Successes

Children's author Julie Hedlund, challenged participants of her 12 Days of Christmas for Writers series to post SUCCESSES (rather than resolutions) on our blogs this year. She believes the way New Year's resolutions are traditionally made come from a place of negativity - what DIDN'T get done or achieved in the previous year.  Instead, she suggests we set goals for the New Year that BUILD on our achievements from the previous one. I decided to participate in this Anti-Resolution Revolution! Here is my list for 2020. I'm proud to say I've participated in this challenge since its inception. Thank you, Julie.  

Goals Met from the 2019 Challenge: 6/9 Met = 66%

 1. Attend new workshops/classes this year: SCBWI Smithsonian NF, Highlights NF Retreat, Illustrator courses/mini-classes at Storyteller Academy

2. Write new stories: 6 new PBs

3. Expand my critique partner network: added an NF group and several individual CPs

4. Expand speaking engagements: accepted for the Virginia Hamilton Conference 2020, accepted for Mazza Summer Institute 2020 (rebooked both for 2021)

5. Grow Twitter Presence: passed 2000 followers in an “organic” way

6. Continue weekly check-ins w/Beth Stillborn, accountability partner

Note of Transparency: some goals not met due to pandemic and my state of mind: I didn't keep up with submissions (found work I was subbing needed revision), didn't keep up w/bullet journal, and never finished organizing my office files.

My motto for 2020 was "Keep Swimming. Fall Forward," which meant I'd keep on taking steps towards my goals even whilst discouraged. If I made a "mistake" or "fell," I'd pick myself up, find the learning, and move on.

2020 Successes (continued from above)

7. I submitted mss to all four #PBPitches, entered #PBParty challenge, the Fall Frenzy, and 2 #PitMad twitter events. I got my work out there.
8. Subbing the traditional way, I subbed several mss w/a total of 10. (It may be higher, I lost rack.)
9. To advance my craft I completed StoryStorm, NF Fest, and ReFoReMo. I won a professional critique from Lisa Schnell in the NF Fest.
10. NF author Melissa Stewart offered me a consulting job to revise/add to her educational resources for her award-winning blog, Celebrate Science. COVID hit and she has time to revise them herself. The invitation to help her was a real confidence boost. TY, Melissa.
11. In May I was hired by author/entrepreneur Arree Chung as his Virtual Assistant. I became Community Manager of his Storyteller Academy later this year.
12. My new job brought lots of new tech learning. I had training but mostly taught myself Notion, Mighty Nets, the intricacies of Gmail Suites, Slack, and Active Campaign. Since I grew up on a typewriter, I call this a BIG win.
13. With Storyteller Academy, I gained skills in writing directions, articles, moderating Zoom classes, and doing help desk work.
14. I was co-host for Storyteller launches and did a PowerPoint on Best Practices for one Opening Ceremony.
15. In September I was asked by ReFoReMo to join the blogging staff for 2021. (another confidence builder.)
16. I continued blogging with the GROG and wrote 6 blog posts including 2 picked up by KidLit411.
17. Authors continued to contact the GROG and me personally to ask if we'd review new books or help w/launches. I enjoy helping kid lit folks get new work noticed.
18. I revised many mss and almost have 3 polished enough for submission.
19. I read 116 books: NF, MG, and PB, picking up mentor texts and comp titles along the way.
20. I have become a mentor of sorts for newer writers at Storyteller Academy and have helped write pitches, advise on query letters and careers in general. This makes me feel like I'm paying my knowledge forward.
21. I met more consistently with my solid rock, the Saucy Mojo Writers and have critique so many great stories.
22. I invested in myself w/a new computer, fancy ergonomic office chair and a Lumen light for Zoom meetings.
23. I also invested in professional photos for headshots w/my neighbor who majored and taught photography. I learned I can take a decent pic when the right person is behind the camera. We're making decisions now re: best shots.
24. My dear community of creatives sent me amazing gifts this year: food, cards, books, jewelry, writerly notebooks, post-its. I am humbled by this care and concern.
25. This is the first year I did an expense sheet for all my writing endeavors and the first year I've been paid for writing-related work. (TY, Arree and Storyteller Academy.)
26. Adding this per my fellow Nf writer and true friend, Carrie Fannin. Think I am proudest of this! I am advancing my critique skills - I'm good at it.We've swapped mss and she tells me, " Your feedback to a fellow write (me) made ALL the difference in a manuscript, leading to the full manuscript being requested for consideration by 3 editors at mid-sized to major publishers. Whatever happens with that, I can never thank you enough for helping me find the poetry of Maggie's story. --Carrie F."